Color Fun Run: Berlari mengejar matahari

Running is not my cup of tea.
I remember how i hate it very much when i was in junior high school.
We were forced to run surround the stadium in front of our school 6 TIMES!
And as I was -I am lol- very bad at running as well as controlling my breath, there was nothing i can do except kept running slowly behind everybody. That's how and why  I hate running.

Suatu sore...
seorang teman mengirimkan gambar ini
and just like that I said 'count me in'

Semua berjalan biasa aja sampa pas udah di venue nya melihat sekitar and I just stood up there, amazed. Gilak! This is not just about running, it's more about lifestyle-i would say. Ngga ada ibu-ibu ato bapak-bapak yang biasa ikutan jalan sehat disana. Ngga ada! Ini beneran acaranya anak muda meeeen. Serius. Smartphones, tongsis, selfie are all over the place.

Larinya sih sebenernya biasa aja. Rutenya pun juga biasa. Ynag bikin ngga biasa adalah color powder nya. Bubuk warna warni yang bakal di semprotin ke badan kita di titik titik tertentu sepanjang perjalanan (yang sebernenya cuma dua titik hahhahah di tengah perjalanan dan sebelum masuk garis finish). I swear to you that the powder was soooooo smeellyyyyy i would throw up. But aside from the bad smell, i can feel it... the joy when the color suddenly all over our face, shirts, body. Freeeeeedooooom. You feel young, feel dirty, feel like your life is colorful.

Daaaan highlight nya adalaaaah. ketika lihat DJ memainkan musiiiik disko dimulaaaaai....
Dont you worry child, I love it, dan Happy. Nih tiga lagu beneran bikin semua lompat lompat, nyanyi,dan perang warna (setiap peserta dikasih sebungkus color powder buat lempar-lemparan).
Dan disitu beneran ngerasain sebuah kesenangan, like I finally escaping from something difficult in my life. I felt so light I would fly away...

"I dont care, I love it. I dont care, I love it"

Liriknya Icona pop ini beneran jadi quote of that day banget.

Turns out that now, well not that much- just a tiny bit, I like running. I am saying that i like running doesnt mean that i want to do it all the time. I just love it, when I can feel the sweat running down my face. It's like, omg I'm alive!

So, I possibly maybe, will start running once a week or so hahahahaha

Salam Lari,

PS : this video pretty sums up how crazy people were :D


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